
Hyd  Logo
HYD stands for luxury and excellence in the hosiery world.

We operate with high standards when it comes to the choice of materials, finishing process and innovative design. Here, we are offering the widest range of colors on the market.

All materials used have been proven to be completely eco-sustainable and of best European quality.

Throughout the process, the materials used are from the best European quality and have been proven to be completely eco-sustainable. 100% Made in Italy. HYD has managed to perfectly combine the latest technology with the best and most innovative fibers to make each of its lines unique.

Claudio Gazzotti is the founder and designer of the brand HYD, originally from Mantua (Italy). After spending important years in the textile industry, he decided in the 90s to move to Oxford, England, where he completed a Master in Marketing and Economics. While in England, his passion for the world of arts and design inspired him to launch a hosiery line.
Claudio named the brand 'HYD' after 'Hyde Park', in London in contribution to his stay in England.

The company was founded in Catalonia, Spain, where since the 80´s Claudio Gazzotti has been linked to for work and personal reasons. Claudio resides in Barcelona from where he develops and designs his lines, while the entire production process is completed in the Lombardy region, Italy.